Off to Bed Part 3: The Bedroom

Photo by Burst from Pexels
Photo by Burst from Pexels

Welcome to part 3 of my
Off to Bed series! Today we are going to be talking about the bedroom and how you can get ready for the night in order to have a great morning!

What you'll need:

  • Vacuum 

Close the blinds

Shut any blinds or curtains. This ensures you will awake to any alarms and not the sun. Closing your blinds can also give a sense of safety, which will help you get a better nights rest.

Put away dirty clothes

Any clothes that are on the floor should be put in the hamper. Hang up any jackets that might be there too. This way if you have to get up in the middle of the night, you're not tripping on things.

Quick vacuum

I work a lot and most days the only time I have to vacuum is at night. I do I quick pass to clean up the dog hair from the day and what ever else has fallen on the floor.

Set the mood

If you have a salt lamp or fairy lights, turn those on and turn off any harsh over head lights or lamps. We also turn on our air purifier at night too.

Throw back the covers

Finally, remove decorative pillows and throw back the covers and enjoys a goodnights rest.

I hope you all have a wonderful night and that this routine can help you in some way. Stop by next week for Off to Bed Part 4: The Living Room.

If you do follow this routine, I would love to see your pictures. Tag me in them on Instagram @ChristianWifestyle 


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